Good Morning England! We are Arctic Monkeys..
and thus, the curtain opens..
Ah yes.. Alex Turner, who doesn't know him?

the charming lead singer of the band "Arctic Monkeys" with one of my fave voices ever (and a beautiful accent..). With incredible songwriting, guitar skills, rich smooth voice and an alluring TV presence, this man took my breath away when I first saw him in a teen magazine in ~2013.
alex's love song to his now-ex alexa chung
my favourite AM song EVERRRRRR >0<

the debut solo EP of alex :) an album for the 2011 film
"Submarine", directed by none other than
Richard Ayoade!.
alex said he didn't feel qualified to make a soundtrack for a film but still did it because of his friendship with Ayoade.
Well, I'm glad he did! This album is a masterpiece, with my favourites being
"Piledriver Waltz" and
"Stuck on the Puzzle".
(by the way, the film itself is a hard recommend)
it has an indiefolk sound and Paul Thompson of Pitchfork felt "Turner's keen wit and eye for detail" had created a "tender portrayal" of adolescent uncertainty, which
I certainly agree with! the songs make me feel like a coming of age teen who's still figuring life out, how to create meaningful
relationships, who i am etc.. making friends, having fun after school.. im in love with this album lol!!!
now, some reviews:
AnmlBri, 2020, Reddit:
"Alex kind of reminds me of a cross between my ex-BF from college, young Paul McCartney, and David Tennant, all in varying degrees and depending on what he’s doing with his hair, the lighting, his age, and what angle I view him from, lol. If he’s an ordinary looking dude by some people’s standards, it’s working for me, haha. Then his personality, his style, and the way he carries himself all add to it. I love how whenever I watch a video involving Alex on YouTube, I can always count on thirst in the comments section from people of all genders and orientations. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else be met with such unanimous agreement about his/her attractiveness, haha. In this toxic and ideologically fractured world, it really is refreshing, even if it’s silly. :)"
keanumemessss, 2020, Reddit:
mahaonthegram_AM, 2023, Reddit:
"The enigma of him. I love not knowing who he is as a person. I love that he leaves traces of him in his music but doesn’t elaborate. In interviews he will give us a a general indication of where his head was at writing the album but unlike many artists these days, he doesn’t break it down. If you ever heard those track by track sessions, he really dances around questions giving a general take. It’s so agonizingly attractive.
I think if he has social media presence the allure wouldn’t be as strong.
There are tons of blogs that dissect his personal life based on a few things they piece together but the fact that none of it came from a reliable source, erodes its credibility.
Physically? The man definitely has his beautiful moments. He’s not textbook handsome, which only heightens my attraction.
And finally, the most powerful factor, his brilliance. His writing, the way he plays with words and the grasp he has on our human condition without a tone of superiority is superlative. He doesn’t boast about it and if you listen carefully to interviews, he actually redirects any flattery or simply says thank you (nice one…).
This is so bloody sexy."
me, 2022, CranialNerves:
"bloody 'effing perfect"

alex is also in a band with his best friend Miles Kane! The bands name is called
"The Last Shadow Puppets".
isnt the name so freaking cool?!?!
this duo is super interesting. their song style is different than alex's arctic monkeys songs, but im a big fan nevertheless!
take a listen to this song of TLSP! lmk what u think :p

cue alex on the left, miles on the right <3
i really love their song
dracula teeth!! the song.. the vibe.. the lyrics..
"lover boy's last resort" has been my trademark phrase among my friends because i used it as my bio for every social media acc
i actually made my irl best friend my friend because we bonded over
loving this song lol! you dont meet a lot of people in real life who are TLSP fans. she had this school notebook where she'd write song
names on the cover, and i saw the name dracula teeth. i only knew her a few days, and when i had pointed it out and said i love this
song she didnt believe me..
me:(trying to act nonchalant) ohh dracula teeth.. i love that song..
her:(cant believe i knew the song)hmm.. i dont think u know the song..
me:yes i do..
her:i doubt it..

crazy right?! she didnt believe me until a day later LOL!
anyways, i really love this duo. they have such unique songs?? you should def listen to their other album too which has
the sickest name ever,
"The Age of Understatement". Wooooowww~!!
there was definitely something in the air in 2016 tlsp tours.. ugh! look at his bodyline! what an effortless charisma!!